Finally finished the other from !! This one is from on IG. Posted my artwork there too (IG: So if you guys want to see it there too, go ahead ❤️

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Streaming another belated dtiys challenge for right now if anyone wants to hop in. :)

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Gave coloring books in the goodie bags and one of them had an OCTOPUS!!! I had to paint it 🤷🏻‍♀️

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My take one 's lightbox challenge, though I'm way late to the game since is over now, boo. It was so fun.

I couldn't figure out if the ruffly thing on her dress was part of the dress or a scarf or what, so....did my own thing.

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Playing around with new brushes I bought during Anyone want to see the whole gang in gouache like this?

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My entry for ’s ⭐️ I enjoyed attending this weekend and painted this while I listened to some amazing talks!✨ I am so inspired to start putting all the things I learned into practice in my own art 🌟

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Hey everyone! I attended the online this year! It was a super amazing event and really inspried me. I finished this while watching the events.

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All mix-canvas I joined on sunday cant wait for next year!! Also was so cool to be in stream especially when he made eyelashes to my octoboi XD!!

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It was super fun to hang out and draw alien fish with other during

and a bunch of others you can find on Instagram with their written tags :D

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Had a fantastic time at Light Box Expo! It was my first time live and here's my demo I didn't finish – oops. Ends up, I paint slower: answering questions, fixing the computer, camera, and mic repeatedly lol...OK enough with the excuses!

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Had the chance to learn a lot over the weekend at ! Still reeling from all the excitement, and connecting with other artists.

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Practiced with some of the brushes I got from goodie bag! Really awesome experience and really hope can go again next year! Learnt so much!

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Painting while a little light headed ×﹏× Still haven't quite recovered from pulling 3 all-nighters for Haha. But it's all worth it so it's all guds!

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Omg, was amazing and I have learned so much! had a great talk on animating in and I learned:
- Hold frames are a thing
- You can set a frame to be a persistent background or foreground
- Secondary Color Frames help

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Redraw of a dragon i designed a few months ago using techniques I learnt from !

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Doodly Feels after ❤️ - Thank you to everyone who made it such an amazing event!!!! Actually turned off from the world over the last few days and so grateful for it!! ❤️

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