Y'all like me liveblogging my process here? I might do it more in future big projects if yah do. Fuck, I might do it anyway because I crave validation lmao https://t.co/gKnEgVzsQg

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hello. here is a liveblog of me selling tem flakes until i hit 8k so i can get the tem armor

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why is edgeworth performing a 60 degree angle

(also by liveblogging i mean actual liveblogging/possible stupid comments i make that have no purpose but i still do it)

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im reading zou right now so im just liveblogging it

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omg shoe.... (going to transfer this thread into an aa2 liveblog thread. bc i feel bad just spamming tweets ;-;)

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AoT liveblog, episode 26:

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idk how my friends handle my liveblogging

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god learning about zebruh is so insane bc i have NO context for the guy but my good friend is liveblogging friendsim and like. this is your fave? this is your fave? you're stanning THIS guy?

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While this game runs slower than Pokemon, there's still a lot of things I can react to and I prefer to have them in one place. I can also now post my screenshots through this tweet because I uploaded my recordings through a private twitter.

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this is just a huge summary of what my problem sleuth liveblog was like

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And that’s the end of the last , right up to the penultimate episode!!

I hope you all enjoy the final episode of Gourmet Hound tomorrow 🍳!!

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I think I’ve written about how I used hair to represent their grief and loss—there’s a sharp change (a haircut, hair dye) then slow, continuous, steady growth as they move forward

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Lucy honors Lynn’s legacy not by saving the cooking school, or naming the coffee counter after the school

But by finding people as lonely as she is and building something together with them!!

16 200

I saw someone comment that the aprons represent the co-owners of the bookshop (Smith and Fuji)

But it was 100% unintentional, I just thought it was cute, you’re all cleverer than me!!

5 196

I have no headcanons about the future of GH’s characters except “Lucy and Jacobi antagonize each other into personal and professional success until they both die peacefully of old age in their 100s on the same day (and Jacobi still thinks he wins bc he’s older)”

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I’m not sure if it was established strongly enough, but Bell Corner is a LGBTQ+ bookshop—that’s why it was important to me that it was these 3 that took it over!

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They’re either dating or have been “oh my god, they were roommates”-ing for four years, you can choose

(But cmon, they’re dating, I gave you all the clues)

9 215

It’s about two people with large and defined feelings for each other managing to hold hands because they’re finally in sync!!!

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