[よくぞ、この地に足を踏み入れたな。 ケンシロウ!]
北斗の拳 40周年おめでとう👍

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[よくぞ、この地に足を踏み入れたな。 ケンシロウ]
ほぼ完成。 2つめはXにマイルド版なら載せられるのかな?

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日本文化に強く影響を受けたフランス産ハードコア・バンド RISE OF THE NORTHSTARが、ニュー・アルバム『#Showdown』を4月7日に配信リリース、全10曲。邦題『ショウダウン〜力の試練』。


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Today’s Mutant of the day is Jeanne-Marie Beaubier A.K.A Aurora!

Much like her twin brother Northstar, Aurora possesses the ability to propel her body at superhuman speed. She can also generate from her body a bright white light which can be used as projectiles!

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RISE OF THE NORTHSTAR, guarda il video della title track di “Showdown” https://t.co/i0h3hsBCqm

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Getter character Apocalypse 2023 will begin soon!
Based on @.JWnorthstar12 gundam March madness

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that hulkling & wiccan comic giving northstar grey hair was so fucking right for that

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Today’s Mutant of the day is Jean-Paul Beaubier A.K.A Northstar!

Jean-Paul has the ability to travel and fly at superhuman speed, becoming a living projectile capable of travelling up to 99% the speed of light! He can generate from his body bright, white light energy blasts!

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Hokuto no Ken/Fists of the NorthStar is now 40 years old.

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northstar warmupp

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By 12/26/2023, will go into Part2 along with the Last Piece CH136 1/2 from 2014. Afterwards, there will be 7 vols left which will conclude its English run in Sep 2025. We gotten 4 vols a year except in 2021 which started in June

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