When the time comes, clash for what you believe
The Five of Wands
The Tarot of the Immortal Night

📕Charles Harrington

4 6

2017 vs 2021

Llewellyn is oblivious at times.....

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Llewellyn, a disabled NPC with is now available for free on our website. This sleepy Aasimar is ready to show up in any one shot or campaign!

6 25

Made a phony Dragon Age Comic cover for Llewellyn’s playthrough 🐰

6 25

In the safety of your inner lair meditate on releasing yourself from unnecessary suffering.
Four of Swords
Tarot of the Immortal Night

✍️Harrington 🎨

3 5

HIS FULL NAME IS LLEWELLYN? im welshifying you so hard. also why is the image so wide

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Liss Llewellyn – Preview of 15 of a kind - NUDES Works

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Introducing: Llewellyn Feldale! He is an Aasimar Sorcerer, and utilizes the CFS mechanics.

Llewellyn is perfect for giving quests, providing parties with crucial plot information, or accompanying them along on a dungeon crawl or two!

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The Tarot Of The Immortal Night
The Three of Pentacles
Get your team together and build an empire.
Author Charles Harrington

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The Urban Legend waking up in a creepy hospital factors heavily in The 3 of Swords for
There are always low points in every life, so what now?
Charles Harrington -

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The Tarot of the Immortal Night

The Three of Cups
Rejoin your friends and rejoice!
Author Charles Harrington

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The Tarot of the Immortal Night
The Three of Wands
Take steps to achieve your plans 🧛🖤
Author Charles Harrington
Art Craig Maher

0 7

The Tarot Of The Immortal Night
Ace of Swords
See the world from a new point of view and break through!
Author Charles Harrington
Art Craig Maher

4 17