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#FolkloreSunday “Magic and Mayhem in the Dark Half of the Year” #FireMoon (NASA photo) #Halloween #October For additional proof that fire moons are real, click here: https://t.co/0Ga4mpBVEE #AidanTurner #TheHobbit
In some versions of Cinderella there is no midnight curfew. She simply leaves the ball because she is tired which is, quite frankly, relatable.
#FolkloreSunday #FairyTale #DisabilityTwitter
In #JapaneseFolklore chinouya are a #yokai that look like kind human women with long black hair and very large breasts. They live in rivers near graveyards where children are buried, and come out of the water to nurture the spirits of the dead...
#ayokaiaday #FolkloreSunday
The Cauchemar - French term which means “fiend that tramples.” The Proto-Germanic word meaning is evil demon or spirit being that rides astride chest of a sleeper and regarded as similar to mythical incubus and succubus.#FolkloreThursday #folkloresunday
#FolkloreSunday A legend from the Native American Paiute people tells of the Ghost Land accessed through caves and tunnels under Death Valley. A chief grieved by the death of his wife travelled in his earthly body to the Ghost Land to find her.
Morning all, @frome_maude here welcoming you to this Sunday’s theme of:
Bring on your ghosts, goblins, faeries, witches and, most importantly, ANCESTORS who come through.
Retweets on the hashtag #FolkloreSunday! xx
In Scots Gaelic lore, faeries were regarded as either nature spirits or spirits of the dead. They exist in faerie mounds/ the underworld awaiting reincarnation. A similar belief regarding elves in n. Europe.
#folkloresunday #scottishfolklore
art: The Fairy Raid by Noel Paton
Hi all, hope you’re having a great week so far! This Sunday’s theme is:
WHAT COMES THROUGH THE VEIL BETWEEN WORLDS ON HALLOWEEN. Bring on your ghosts, goblins, faeries, witches, & most importantly ANCESTORS, who come through.
Retweets after 10:30 am BST #FolkloreSunday
In the British Isles owls have generally always been associated with death and so it was seen as a protective talisman against death to hang an owl feather over the door. #FolkloreSunday
“Now shift the scene to moonlight glade,
Where dapper elves beneath the shade
Of oak or elm, their revels keep,
What time we plodding mortals sleep.” - from ‘The Spirit of the Woods’, author unknown.
#FolkloreSunday #poetry #nature
#FolkloreSunday The studio behind 'Nosferatu,' Prana Film, was founded in 1921 by Enrico Dieckmann and occultist artist Albin Grau, named for the Hindu concept of prana. Nosferatu was its only production as it declared bankruptcy after the film's release
Source: Wikipedia
Anton Mesmer believed that all humans and animals had a fluid running through their body which if blocked could cause illness. Mesmerism, as it became known, was the practice of unblocking the flow of liquid with the power of the mind. #FolkloreSunday
If you like fairies, mermaids, and Disney princesses, follow lavera.grace on Instagram!
I highly recommend following willowwaves_art on Instagram if you like fairy tale illustrations of people of color. I especially love her mermaids.
Undine by Baron de la Motte Fouque (1811), about a water nymph that marries a man and gains a soul (& the weight of such feelings) only to be betrayed. Illustrations by Arthur Rackham (1909)
#SwampSunday #FolkloreSunday ➡️🎧 My song "The Spirit of Water" https://t.co/3edntRZCKX
#FolkloreSunday #SwampSunday "The Buried Moon" is an Fairytale included by Folklorist J. Jacobs in "More English Fairytale" in which the a
Moon falls on a bog and is trapped by a falling tree so she stops rising. Here a haunting illustration for it drawn by Edmund Dulac (1916)
So the Prince was tended with care …
Oh, a moon face in a shadowy place,
And a light touch and a winsome grace
The Prince’s Progress
Poem by Christina Rossetti
Illustration by Florence Susan Harrison
Hi all, a reminder that #FolkloreSunday is happening now, with the theme of:
Bring on your fave images from RACKHAM, CRANE, RENTOUL OUTHWAITE et al, & tweet about them on the hashtag! Maude xx
Image: Kate Greenaway
"I used to meet her in the garden, the ravine, and in the manor fields. She was always picking flowers and herbs, those she knew her father could use for healing drinks and potions."
- Hans Christian Andersen's,
The Wind's Tale
🎨 Illustrated by Edmund Dulac
"From the other world I come back to you,
My locks are uncurled with dripping drenching dew.
You know the old, whilst I know the new:
But tomorrow you shall know this too."
--Christina Rossetti
🎨 Florence Harrison