Day 31 - Yūrei 👻
And finally, to close off this year's YokaiTober, we have the classic Japanese interpretation of a ghost! How spooky! Happy Halloween! 🎃🪦

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It's almost the end of A-Yokai-A-Day, but I still have a couple of scary stories up my sleeves. Enjoy today's tale: The Farmer in Kumano Whose Wife was Taken by a Henge

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Day 28 - Hinnagami 🎎
A doll made of clay is ready to be of service to you, and is hungry for requests! She won't be easy to brush aside, especially if you aren't the greedy type.

40 143

"Hell hath no fury like a woman scored" may be an English phrase, but I think the Japanese do it so much better.
A-Yokai-A-Day: The Maō Who Turned into a Woman to Hinder a Monk’s Passing

12 38

Since today's prompt for is kudagutsune (pipe fox) and the foxes by reminds me of them, I made a silly fanart!

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Day 26 - Biwa Bokuboku 🎶
A friendly old biwa who has taken form of a priest would like to play you a song! He was a delight to draw 💕

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Do spiders make good lovers? You decide on today's A-Yokai-A-Day: How a Tsuchigumo Turned into a Woman in Kaga

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Day 25 - Oni 👹
Katsumi and Taru make their first YokaiTober appearance! (embarrassing that it took me 3 years to finally have them show up for this challenge...)

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Would you gamble your life to save a strange woman in the forest if she promised you she wasn't a yokai? Read what happened to Genshichi when he did just that!
A-Yokai-A-Day: How Rokutan no Genshichi Saved an Adulterous Woman

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Day 24 - Okesa Neko 🎼🐈
A more obscure yokai, but Okesa Neko is based on a Sado island legend where it is believed she, a bakeneko, created an entire genre of folk music (okesabushi)!

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For day 23 of & Tatsu, I felt like doing some fan art of OC Ryuji! Also tried to fit as many dragon puns as I could.

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In chinouya are a that look like kind human women with long black hair and very large breasts. They live in rivers near graveyards where children are buried, and come out of the water to nurture the spirits of the dead...


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"No face you say? Do you mean... LIKE THIS!!!" Day 22 Nopperabo

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Day 22 - Maneki Neko 🐈‍⬛✨
Who's to say black cats are considered unlucky? For today's prompt, I decided to switch things around to let this little guy have a chance at fortune! 💴

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Are you the type of person who hears about a haunted house and stays away? Or goes straight into it to spend the night?
A-Yokai-A-Day: The Bakemono of Onoderamura in Sagami Province

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Day 21 - Tsuchinoko 🐍
its FAT FUCK FRIDAY!!!!!!! thats right its time for the og FAT FUCK himself!!!!! tsuchinoko REAL!!!!!!!!!

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When the walk of shame does not go the way you expected it to...
A-Yokai-A-Day: The Attachment of a Goze at an Inn in Mitsuke, Tōtōmi Province

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