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今日はLUTを色々試してました テクスチャだけで雰囲気変わるね〜(背景はぱくたそさん)

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Ah! I have my Akien (cis m, ace) and Charity (cis f, bi)

Also, my Lut (trans m) and Viola (straight f) beautiful art by has their old designs

And Sunny (cis f, bi), Aden (cis m pan) and Earnest (cis m, bi) enjoy a polycule that only gets bigger

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its scary how much his vibe changes with his glasses literally How do u go from nerd to s/lut so quickly -__-

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Just uploaded a new video to my shader tutorial: Applying gradient maps like in phtoshop, gimp & co. Very simple and a good primer for the next video: LUT-shaders. Check it out here:

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- 'lut mec, comment ça va ?

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C’est l’anniversaire de mon personnage « Akie », un persos qui aime un peu trop être sous les feux des projecteurs .
Il est accompagner de ses dino-Monster. Même si ptit lut et ça Banana son ses principaux mascottes il adore aussi ses petits compagnons préhistoriques

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お題は「お尻 下品 フェロモン」



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'lut les insomniaques, j'ai doodle Piranha. En vrai le truc me fait marrer, on dirait un chienchien.

3 9

Did a LUT blend shader over the weekend for but also cleric. I'll change the way he holds the sword. it's silly

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kypR8LEU7NunDxHaVTVx0luT 誕生日おめでとう、ミクさん!! これからもヨロシクね。   

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