息抜きに描いた自作matcap スヴァルトリリヤちゃんに適用したら大変よろしおす

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Gonna try to play with some matcaps to get that blue shine on the suit, but I'm mostly happy with how the textures came out

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After my last stream I polished the MatCaps I use to 'test' the hard-surfaces pieces and decided to do a few more to share. If you are in my newsletter you'll get a download link tomorrow when the email goes out and I'll pin it to the RESOURCES channel on Discord ;)

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Still can't share most of what I'm working on but here's a candy colored matcap I made the other day for reasons that are a mystery to me now 🤔

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So I tried making my very own comic zbrush matcap . Liking the way it looks on my sculpts. Great for using them as drawing reference as well.

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I saw some anime characters with glasses has glasses shine, so I decided to experiment with matcap and I was able to achieve this look. Awesome and works well as long as the normals are not edited!!! As the camera moves, the shine will move!

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I really love how my eyelashes pop with the eyelash shine being removed. It's fun to experiment with textures! I'll probably play with matcap so I can improve my skills in matcap creation. This is my raw VRM model by the way (Not the VSFAvatar).

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Trying a render/matcap thingy... It took me everything to get to this point, and it works better with light colors, but it's all I could do trying to get to an old render feel...
I can do some changes later, but that's it...

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Now I'm crazy about it, I wanna learn how to make matcaps that look like Rare's snes renderings:
╭( ๐_๐)╮

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