Here is another finished bit of art for my toll on the 27th of May. This is Orri, who was known for his great skill of creation.

1 16

Dati's "La Sfera" from ca. 1450-1500 at , a rhyming explanation of astronomy and navigation with lovely tinted drawings:

9 30

In honor of I present you some marginalia that can only be explained (and maybe created) if one is high.

43 210


Aujourd'hui sort l'épisode 50, pile pour les 4 ans du ! J'ai l'honneur d'y recevoir pour parler de l'arbre au !

➡ À écouter sur toutes les applications d'écoute et sur le site :

44 115

Instruments of Christ's Passion

National Library CZ XIV A 17 (Passional of Abbess Kunhuta from St. George´s Convent at the Prague Castle, beginning of the 14th century, fol. 10r)

5 22

Dernière partie de Lancelot du Lac, la Quête du saint Graal et la mort d'Artus, 13th C, fol. 17v. Am enjoying the expression of the horse on the left. He is SO over it.

4 31

John 19,30: "“It is finished.”
Book of Hours from Sychrov VI D 25, cca 1500, France
Missale from Chotěšov XIV C 13, middle of the 14th century, Bohemia

2 4

Medieval women painting medieval women

(from manuscripts of Boccaccio's On Famous Women)

280 703

Who did it better?

John William Waterhouse (1916) vs. Salvador Dali (1944)

Paintings of star-crossed medieval lovers, Tristan and Isolde

35 165

On 21 February 1173, Thomas Becket became a saint, just 3 years after his brutal murder inside Canterbury Cathedral. We have hundreds of extant artworks & artefacts that testify to the immediate popularity of his cult

19 70

Hey , j'avais lu chez Claude Makowski que la structure en brique dans le songe du docteur était un creuset alchimique
Je retrouve une forme très proche chez Hans Sebald Beham, le bain des femmes, c'est un creuset ce truc ?
des pistes ?:^)

1 3

Day of my special-issue read-through! Today's article is 's article on whiteness & colorblind racism in Mandeville's Travels!

2 11

Niedersachsen, second half of 13th C (?)
Domkammer, Münster, Germany

3 39