Mamoru Hosada's newest film (Summer Wars, Wolf Children) Sobakasu no Hime hired Jin Kim character desinger) Frozen Big Hero 6, for the design of Belle so we see Hosada's anime style and Disney style mixed into one, and also the movie has Monsterboyfriend vibes👀

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Looking for more mutuals and followers! I think I'll reveal my finished png at 150 followers; it seems like a safe number despite being on the high side. But I'm willing to work and excited to out myself in front of more folks.

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a sketch i colored today...still trying to get used to clip studio

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Im gonna throw in all the indulgent monsterboyfriend tropes into my Mothman AU

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Still needs some tweaks, maybe. But it looks a lot better than the colors from yesterday.

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I've been interested in Indian versions of western monsters recently, so here's today's warmup sketch: Indian vampire

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