空いたスペースにソーを描くつもりが気づいたらヤギを描いていました ラブ&サンダーはこの2人とこの2頭が推しです🐐🐐

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Holap, me auto-recomiendo! nashee. mi nombre es úrsula y tengo comisiones de emotes abiertas! cada emote sale 15USD y los pagos son por Paypal y para Argentina pueden ser por Cuenta DNI o Mercado Pago. Para más info sobre todo todito te dejo mi página: https://t.co/eLTInXGZkM

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The Two Giant Goat actually Toothgnasher and Toothgrinder, who first appear the comic.

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Brian Nashel moving in on Wilma and Betty, on the new Tales From Behind The Fake Counter on the Patreon.

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I keep randomly thinking about & and cracking up. So freaking hilarious 😂

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everyone is fabulous in but toothgrinder and toothgnasher the magic goats are the breakout stars; disney+ stand-alone series when

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fire emblem oc...my three houses girl Tanashe..finally an excuse to draw her bc of the silly game thats coming out HJDFJHDS

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manifesting cute thor + goat content 😤🐐🌩🖤

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hey uh. . why. why is Toothgnasher and Korg's fur the same color. Taika. Taika don't tell me it's what I think it is-

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