Ecco la tanto attesa lista dei finalisti del concorso di illustrazione “15 anni di Winx” indetto da Lucca Crea e Rainbow per celebrare il 15° anniversario dalla creazione delle

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Sei un fumettista o un aspirante tale e hai un progetto da proporre a un editore?
Quest’anno visionerà presso l’Area Pro di una selezione di progetti,alla ricerca di nuovi fumetti Scopri come partecipare:

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Tornano a Lucca Junior i Pokémon, per giocare, divertirsi e scoprire in anteprima la nuova espansione “Sole e Luna - Tuoni Perduti” del GCC Pokémon, in uscita il 2 novembre:

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posters collection III
List of Italian/Spanish Zorro movies -->

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This book is my favourite book of all time and definitaly deserves 5 stars. It is one of the few to have a heroine and a feisty one too. The dragons are lifelike and the plot is full of twists and betrayal.

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This book is my favourite book of all time and definitaly deserves 5 stars. It is one of the few to have a heroine and a feisty one too.

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This book is my favourite book of all time and definitaly deserves 5 stars. It is one of the few to have a heroine and a feisty one too. The dragons are lifelike and the plot is full of twists and betrayal.

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Dragon Whisperer - The best book I've ever read!
This book is my favourite book of all time and definitaly deserves 5 stars. It is one of the few to have a heroine and a feisty one too. The dragons are lifelike and the plot is full of twists and betrayal.

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Amazon 5 ***** The best book I've ever read!
This book is my favourite book of all time and definitaly deserves 5 stars. It is one of the few to have a heroine and a feisty one too. The dragons are lifelike and the plot is full of twists and betrayal.

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i finally watched & it reminded me i forgot to tweet this when i drew it and i need the world to know i am madly in love with fake italian jordan schlansky

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Dalla alle campagne per il alle per le di restituiscono l’immagine di un uomo dal gusto estetico eccelso. 📷


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