This is my character Agent Satphire (Marlene Satphire), leader of the Huntresses. They are an organization of bounty hunters purposely put together by Queen Aurora to hunt down the Toon Slayer, Olive Odor, and her sidekick Ark Scales.

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Bird may do a little wander in places that no being should wander, gotta see all there is though!!

Lovely artwork courtesy of the stinkiest deer of all time He's also cute and deceptively tasty in comparison to his odor

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The species produces a fowl odor so Iggy gets bathed regularly.

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Sweat and Soap Volume 11 Cover (END)(Reg & Special Edition)

A woman who sweats excessively worries about her smell. One day someone tells her "Your body odor is wonderful! To develop new soap, I'm coming to smell you everyday from now on”

has the official release

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A really strong coffee odor permeates the room.

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Odor Tane, Goblin Priestess of Waukeen

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At Le Jardin des Plantes botanical garden, people are lining up by the hundreds to check out the blooming Amorphophallus titanum, also known as "Titan's penis" or titan arum. It's also called the "corpse flower," because its odor. 🌱🌵😌

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104 - Exobone
Lonely Pokemon
“It wears the exoskeletal remains of its deceased mother. It constantly cries, and the tears it sheds emit a foul odor, which wards away would-be predators. The more lonesome it is, the harder it cries.”

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"Aaaah~! Mashter's gotta luff muh amashing shmell by now, hright? All uf much shweat rollin' over 'n gettin' trapped in muh rollsh ish makin' such a deliciously ranshid odor~

"H-HRRRRNNG~! L-Let muh add a bit more shtink to the mix~"

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Angels can be into musk-play, it just smells good though.

Prompt taken from

"Sinner! Behold thine cleansing punishment! Partake of mine righteous odor and be purged of evil! Now, let us away to mine sphere that I may MILK the sin out of thou~💖"

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It's wild: is mediated by a that the midges (tiny flies) lay their eggs on. Fungus only grows on male flowers. Female flowers attract by mimicking fungus odor 🤯

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blue raspberry, warheads and body odor HAHSJA

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Happy birthday, Rougned Odor!

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The fine hairs growing from its belly are well-suited for lining armor, and the underbelly's hide dissolves both sweat and odor, maintaining its maximum freshness. Its claws are rumored to be used in unsavory rituals.

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I feel like chrollo would have a distinct odor. I would just want to collect his ball sweat, make a little perfume and just spray it on my cooch whenever I need to think about him. I’ll use his sweat as moisturizer.

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The public oven in the community kitchen has the most foulest indescribable odor coming from it. The stench is so bad that when I took my food out of the over the stench absorbed itself onto the food so now I don't even wanna eat the food anymore

It smells like burning clorox.

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Every time is saw this chick in game I just knew she smelled like stale weed smoke and body odor

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Orto un tempo nido dell’incontro
orto chiuso dal fuoco dell’assenza
chi mi renderà il tuo odor di basilico
immortale dono del paradiso?

Ibn Hamdis


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🎶Check Out The Odor, Check Out The Smell, Here Comes A Fragrance You Know So Well🎶

Alt-Fart Commission by

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