Decided my Girafarig girl needed some clothes.

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A Girafarig girl I created while feeling depressed. They're name is Elle and Eve.

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Seemly it was Chun-Li's birthday recently, so here's a pic I drew of the my favorite Street Fighter gal from yesterday's stream.

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Lolbit REALLY wants you to buy something. REALLY WANTS YOU TO BUY SOMETHING!!

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Ali looks like she's deep in thought, but she's really just trying to decide if she wants to eat a can or a rock.

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TFW you're so upset with the world, that all you want to do is draw Kazooie yelling "FUCK!"

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A pic I drew of Ramaraffe from Mao Mao, because Mao Mao is a great show, and I like it when cartoons and video games break stereotypes and make the big bruiser character a girl.

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I'm going to be attending Texas Furry Fiesta 2020 selling art and what not. Speaking of which, here's one of the prints I will be selling there, starring all my favorite Gen 8 pokes.

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Sometimes I draw really stupid stuff to cheer myself up... this is one of those times...

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Y'know... I've mentioned how I had a crush on Kootie Pie Koopa (the animated version of Wendy O. Koopa) as a kid. Yeah, the part I never mention is I also had a crush on her dad, King Koopa (ie animated Bowser). I think I may have just been a weird kid growing up...

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Random Mary Anne drawing for your entertainment.

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She may not be playable in Smash, but I was so happy to see her cameoing in Terry’s level. I love Athena so much.

Here comes Athena!

(F Mai)

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More art of me with my boi, Kurio. I <3s him so much!

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Don't mind me, just drawing some sleepy bois.

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Sometimes all you want to do in life is just draw your boyfriend's OC. I love you, Kelsey.

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I’ve been enjoying playing Banjo-Kazooie in Smash. So here’s Pembro-Ascii.

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