Minty favorite Fairy-type is At first I though it was just a Pikachu/Raichu hybrid but I realized that it was a reason to love them! Their peanut-like body is an added bonus to its cuteness.

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Day 18 of features Bellossom, drawn by for the Such a lovely squad of dancing flowers, reminds me of summer. Beautiful

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Day 18, last Type-related day : Random Ice Type (feat a ... pretty happy Vanilluxe)
I dunno if it either wants to eat itself ... or if it sees a Mozzamazel. Do you think it has a chance ?

I'm happy to see I'm still going on ! I'm also happy with what I made yet !

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Minty favorite Dark-type is Inkay is a funny little Pokemon with the most ridiculous way of evolving! So topsy-turvy and I love this funky octopus.

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Pokecember Day 17 - Favorite Steel Type

Another weird pokemon that I love so much. Idk what it is about the Klink evo line that I like so much.

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Pokécember Day 16: Dragon Type!

So cool that a dinosaur-themed Pokémon is considered a Dragon! And I love that Tyrantrum is somewhat feathered. 🦖

Darn it, I'm a day late again, but I'll try to get caught up on Day 17's pic tonight! 😤

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Day 17 : Random Dragon Type (feat an altruistic Druddigon ... and a baby Applin ?)

Yea, just a dose of wholesomeness here. It's not because you're ugly and threatening it means you can't take care of a born-to-be airship xD

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Minty favorite Dragon-type is Haxorus is the the most well-designed Pokemon. They look like a dragon/dinosaur hybrid which is the 2 greatest creatures ever!

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Day 16 of features Vanilluxe, drawn by for the Love this wacky ice cream cone. Some might say the weather isn't right for it, but there's never a bad time for ice cream

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Pokecember Day 16 - Favorite Dark Type

A quick and lazy drawing for today. A Dark/Ghost just like yesterdays mon. Sableye is a good gremlin

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Day 16 : Random Dark Type (feat an easily-flustered, Male Sneasel)

... I tried, okay ? Dark types are as hard as Rock ones, and even Spiritomb didn't work well so ... Yea, more like an redraw than a new drawing, but heh

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Day 15 of features Minccino, drawn by for the Look at it, adorable. Much fluff, very cute.

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Day 14 of Pokecember!! Haneko and Waurufu 🌸🐯

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Day 15 : Random (or is it ?) Fighting Type (feat a bored Shiny Pheromosa)

Why it might not be random this time ? Well, it's simple : I wanted to make the Pheromosa I hunted on UM, who got lost on the save. I'm sure she waits me :'(
Else, I got Meloetta Pirouette.

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