mais tema comment il est répugnant autant sous format chèvre que format humain 💀💀

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Album reminder

REPUGNANT - Epitome Of Darkness
Soulseller Rec. 2006
Death/Thrash Metal from Sweden

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Just a sketch, maybe I'll work more the concept later 💀👌

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"Hey hey people. The Merchants' Guild has turned on me and punished me for my crimes. I am now bound in a 2D prison of repugnant twitter-art hell. My prayers continue to go unanswered, so it would seem God himself has deemed this an appropriate punishment."

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Defeated Sanity - Chapters of Repugnance (2010)

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Elenco di informazioni scientificamente inoppugnabili e assolutamente incontrovertibili sullo spazio: il sole 🌕

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Graphiquement je trouve que c'est une véritable claque visuelle ! Les décors, les personnages, les éléments organiques. C'est magnifique, étrange, très souvent déconcertant et répugnant a voir, mais c'est justement ce côté atypique et curieux qui donne un charme à la lecture.

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• Species: Pugnatian
• Planet: Pugnatum
• Abilities: Can cut whatever. Can shoot melted caramel to later harden. Its body is a titanoum alloy. Improved strength and durability. Improved speed.

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À chaque nouvelle œuvre sur l’alpinisme ou l’escalade, je suis impressionné par la volonté historique de l’humain à vouloir gravir des montagnes et chercher à aller plus haut. LE SOMMET DES DIEUX, plongée vertigineuse dans la pugnacité et la passion, ne déroge pas à la règle.

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1476 Galeazzo Maria Sforza, Duke of Milan from 1466, was assassinated by Lampugnani, Olgiati & Visconti (shown in Francesco Hayez's entitled Lampugnani's Conspiracy). Sforza was known for his notorious cruelty & callousness.

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Acaba 2021 sumergido en una sexta ola y en plena pugna entre los derechos de la mayoría social y los intereses de una minoría. Una pugna de la que hablan estas cuatro obras en las que he sido arte y parte. Buena lectura y buenas fiestas

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This cocky guy was not lucky - he was too pugnacious. Now it will be kinder! ..))

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A culpa repugnante do passado jamais te deixará

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La escena de la Iliada del mosiaco recientemente desvelado en una antigua villa romana en Rutland 🇬🇧 inspiró la viñeta de s/ pugna vs

➕#humor & /

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Yahwi you're fucking disgusting, and the people defending him saying it's Jooin's fault are just as repugnant as him. Jooin did NOTHING to deserve this, he did what he could to save the relationship but all Yahwi did was treat him like shit. I'm glad Jooin is finally leaving him.

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"La victoire totale est la plus fantastique beauté qui soit. La défaite est ce qu’il y a de plus laid et de plus répugnant. Un jour, je me suis trouvé dans la position du perdant et j’ai bien juré de me venger."

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