152 / 500
Nightwing (2011)
written by Kyle Higgins.
[ reread. ]

0 0

147 / 500
Birds of Prey (2010)
written by Gail Simone.
[ reread. ]

0 0

146 / 500
Birds of Prey (2010)
written by Gail Simone.
[ reread. ]

0 0

141 / 500
Oracle: The Cure (2009)
written by Kevin VanHook.
[ reread. ]

0 1

139 / 500
Oracle: The Cure (2009)
written by Kevin VanHook.
[ reread. ]

0 1

134 / 500
Birds of Prey (1999)
written by Tony Bedard.
[ reread. ]

0 0

126 / 500
Birds of Prey (1999)
written by Sean McKeever.
[ reread. ]

0 0

125 / 500
Birds of Prey (1999)
written by Sean McKeever.
[ reread. ]

0 0

124 / 500
Birds of Prey (1999)
written by Sean McKeever.
[ reread. ]

0 1

122 / 500
Birds of Prey (1999)
written by Tony Bedard.
[ reread. ]

0 0

115 / 500
Birds of Prey (1999)
written by Gail Simone.
[ reread. ]

0 0

114 / 500
Birds of Prey (1999)
written by Gail Simone.
[ reread. ]

0 0

113 / 500
Birds of Prey (1999)
written by Gail Simone.
[ reread. ]

0 0

102 / 500
Birds of Prey (1999)
written by Gail Simone.
[ reread. ]

0 0

101 / 500
Birds of Prey (1999)
written by Gail Simone.
[ reread. ]

0 0

Rosa: "Maria, make sure you don't get your clothes and shoes wet"
Maria: "I won't!"
Kyrie: "that obedience is so cute~~"

KYRIE.......... Please stop.... I'm begging you..... Your little moments are so creepy on a reread....
Kids are not tools.... please....

5 39

92 / 500
Birds of Prey (1999)
written by Gail Simone.
[ reread. ]

0 0

89 / 500
Birds of Prey (1999)
written by Gail Simone.
[ reread. ]

0 0

Every few years I go back and do a reread. Probably going to spend most of my comic book reading in 2021 going through the classics. Join me! I will probably plan a few discussions on some classic tales as well.


3 11

75 / 500
Birds of Prey (1999)
written by Gail Simone.
[ reread. ]

0 1