Becoming a Vampires Pet inspired me to draw again! I drew Christine and Krollien from the series. (I also posted it on my Insta and gushed over the series there)

I love this series you guys are doing awesome!

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Another nice wet Manchester scene by Steven Scholes.
Still no brollies evident though. 😁

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Heyhoooo ich stell mich dann auch mal vor. Mein Name ist Blibs Snowflake und ich bin eine Eiselfe aus den Snowlands. Ich habe einen Pinguin Begleiter namens Sir Flaky the Third, der mir hilft meine Eiskräfte zu kontrollieren und mich auch unterstützt.

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Theoretisch wären diese Kreaturen super geeignet als Packesel. Ihre nicht vorhandene Intelligenz und schiere Körperkraft machen es aber schwer sie kontrolliert zu lenken.

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One reason to like them is because peeps like them as well haha
Also that Padmé rollie took so long to make lol

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Fijne Koningsdag! 👑 Happy Kingsday! 🧡

This cock- of-the-rock comes from the book "Histoire naturelle des oiseaux de paradis et des rolliers, suivie de celle des toucans et des barbus." Made by François Levaillant in 1806. A perfect outfit for today!

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Wow wow Wubbzy
Seasamy Street
Mickey Clubhouse
Rollie Olly Polly
Bear in the Big Blue House
Dragon Tales
Harry and his bucket of dinosaurs
Go Diego Go
Save Ums
Wonder Pets
Blue clues
Miss Spider (1/3)

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Lasst Euch Ein Wenig Kontrollieren

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Hi guys it may be m'first tweet but you can see my previous artworks on Instagram @/carolliem_!
This piece created for m'beloved sister, hope you all can enjoy too.
Please don't repost w/o credits and ask me first! check m'bio♡

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Saturn and Sun (Rollie edition!)

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Retrogaming Memory! ❤

Title: Trollie Wallie
Publisher: Interceptor
Version: Commodore 64
Year: 1984


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I wanna test my new mouse and I saw this! I got inspired and wanting to do more snapshots but rollie so its easier as I'm resting my hands from non stop work.

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Rollie n Polie fall under the category of a universe constant. Rollie is a loud and talks too much. Polie is rude and doesn't talk much at all. They're basically inseparable.

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rollie-chan, a woodlouse whos v short

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everyone has a miku! mine smokes rollies outside the gate

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Para trolli y ela uwu, trolliela oziozi


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Cecil!!! Just the cutest boi with all his Rollie pollie friends!!

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Die Kiddo-Version von einem meiner Hauptcharaktere aus einer Story. Er kann Spinnen kontrollieren und in gewisser Weise sogar herstellen und seine Kräfte werden stärker, wenn er Schmerzen hat. Ich liebe ihn einfach.

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