we could have these wanda maximoff and natasha romanoff scenes in civil war and wandavision but marvel really said “no”

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“i know before i even look at her… that natasha is going to make this bad situation even worse… but her speed still surprises me.”

sharon carter & natasha romanoff in captain america vol 1

16 52

uhhhhh natasha romanoff but like a tiger

10 53

Marvel characters if they were in Star Wars: Natasha and Yelena.

0 2

인용 보고 바로 그렸어요…

냇: 너도 여동생이 있어?
가모라: 있지. 날 못 이겨먹어서 안달이었던 애.
냇: 여동생들은 어딜가도 똑같나보네.

이런 대화하는 가모라와 냇…


32 42

will be spending the rest of the day thinking about sharon carter & natasha romanoff

1 13

There’s a Clintasha Advent running around that I felt inclined to do a sketch for. What with on the brain and all.
How about that tho?
Where my stans at? 💕

5 22

bobbi morse & natasha romanoff

mockingbird & black widow

mockingbird v1

13 52

My first attempt ever at a comic-book style. Heck i never even drew a real nose before this point.

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