I hear it's
Done by @/nasusbotART @/joelaskoart @/charmrage and @/KingJoJoArt respecitvely

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Though I don’t own or play Animal Crossing I did want to draw it. Frogs and poking fires, just like irl.

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St. George and the Dragon! From last year but to change up from all the cute animal drawings.

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I did draw this in your style! It was super fun to do! Check her out for more whimsical ladies.


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I find that references are always useful even if what I’m drawing is pretty simple compared to the real thing.

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Merry Christmas! (Lyrics are from Friedrich Schiller's "Ode to Joy" which is used in Beethoven’s 9th symphony which is the inspiration for this card)

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A “draw this in your style”. I’ve been wanting to do one for a while and was excited for this guy to come along. The original is by . That’s blue pop corn in the bag btw.

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Still no power in the office but that doesn’t slow the dead lines down!

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Quick sketch, this is pupae Beatle Boys first night out on his own.

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I really like making stickers : ) they make me feel accomplished haha.
Available on Etsy

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