was bored, here's a MIDI (not mine!) of Sunslammer from Homestuck remixed through a Prophet V3 and a Harmless synthesizer

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“You knew her as Acetoni, but now she’s got a B.A. in Language Arts and breakin’ hearts as...the Poetry Slammer!”

HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!! You’re such a huge inspiration to me and an amazing friend. I can’t thank you enough for all the laughter and support!

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AoSTH Robotnik is goin' to the slammer and be slammed by Robotnikclaus in prison

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Raz: "*Walks into Coach Oleander's classroom happily with a clipboard and a pencil* Hello, Coach Oleander!!!"
Oleander: *drawing on the chalkboard and turns around and drops his chalk in fear* Aack! NO! Stay away! I can't afford to go back to the slammer!!!"

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The Kingdom toys that we have not seen yet like Waspinator, Slammer, Tigatron and Shadowpanther, they will Revealed in Friday May 21st 2021.

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After watching last week's video of "Game Over" plus yesterday's, I had to do this. XLR8 Ninja, as I imagine the Sumo Slammers game would have made him look like. Hope u guys like it!

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¿Qué opináis del Tin Pin Slammer? ¿Os gustó o evitábais jugar?

¿Os gustaría verlo de nuevo en NEO TWEWY?

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This is now a tin pin slammer fan account

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PLANET SLAMMER! Bounty hunter framed and sentenced to live on a prison planet with the criminals she put there! https://t.co/F4tkJfqJmS and comixology

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And she hauled him away to the slammer! She takes the prized uzi and puts it in evidence.

"Freedom Fighters mission success!"

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a 21 Jumpstreet Valentine’s Day card: if you get the joke, you’re invited to my house for a slammerino (another jst joke 🚔)
🎺 Tom says that wa every saxy of you.
Happy Valentine’s Day, xoxo

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a 21 Jumpstreet Valentine’s Day card: if you get the joke, you’re invited to my house for a slammerino (another jst joke 🚔)
🎺 Tom says that wa every saxy of you.

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Ben loving Sumo Slammers but being shit at the games is too relatable

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[Phone doodles of best alien boi, bit messy eh, took me a good while to make, i doodle on paper better-]

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Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No. It's... some plonker in a tight super suit trying to give the villains a one way ticket to the slammer.

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New monster for YtVG. The Slammer. Corrupted golems made of stone. Not very bright, but pretty tough.

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The Door slammer, is gone home today. Now if you hear a door banging in the middle of the night you can rest easy knowing it's not him. Or perhaps, that makes you rest less easy?

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today Hurðaskellir or Door-Slammer
makes an appearance
he is known to slam doors, especially during the night, waking people up.

this is the seventh of the 13 to visit Iceland

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