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today's first character with misophonia is pekorin from kirakira☆pretty cure a la mode !! (headcanon)

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Hello Mallory, here are some recent illustrations (the one on the lower right is called "Misophonia") Thank you for this opportunity!

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another character with misophonia of the day is saburo yamada from hypmic ! his triggersing being groups people talking, metal clanging, scratching, and overlapping noises !!

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happy halloween ! the second character with misophonia today is vil schoenheit from twisted wonderland ! his triggers being : overlapping voices, scraping and dishes clanging together !

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today's second character with misophonia is goh from pokémon journeys !! (headcanon)

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im super excited for this one our second character of the day with misophonia is CHU2 or chiyu tamade from bang dream !! (CANON!!!!!) it's not explicitly stated, but she has noise sensitivity issues and gets pretty stressed out when there's too much noise from other people

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today's first character with misophonia is sorbet shark cookie from cookie run !! (headcanon)

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today's first character with misophonia is yamada ichiro from hypnosis mic !! (headcanon) his triggers are chewing and metal scraping

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today's second character who has misophonia is kanon matsubara from bandori !! (headcanon) her triggers are chewing, crunching, and breathing

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posting twice today just to project so basically today's second character with misophonia is malleus draconia from twisted wonderland (headcanon) his triggers are clicking, loud distant talking, silverware and dishes clanging together, machinery sounds + more

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today's second character with misophonia is sirius gibson from witch's heart !! (headcanon) his triggers are clicking and humming. he's also known to not like a lot of noise, getting very irritated when people are too loud !

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today's character who has misophonia is molly blyndeff from epithet erased !! (canon)

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Children of an intelligent alien species stoning wild animal

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This picture of Hades and Persophone was my final project for school!.... took forever

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Meg sketch that finally got done. I want to try Persophone next in this style :D

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Day 176/365: "Unus Annus ASMR"

I have misophonia and literally could not make it through this video, had to watch with sound off and subtitles on, lmao

Tomorrow: thicc water

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May 4, 1784: American artist Rubens Peale is born in Philadelphia.

Rubens' father, painter Charles Willson Peale, named a number of his children after famous artists: Rembrandt, Raphaelle, Sophonisba, Titian, and of course Rubens. Many became accomplished artists themselves. 🎨

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King Shishkebaboo: Now, things get very interesting. This is not your regular damage sponge boss (though he is a bit spongy). This is basically a pinball game involving you and your men. Super important to bring miners at this point! Also, the misophonia fuel makes you git gud.

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