Since every atom in your body was forged under immense pressure in the heart of a dying star, technically we're ALL Stormcast Eternals. 😲🤯

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I miss the old Stormcast Eternal heroes and chambers. I'd love to see some action featuring the Hammerhands, the Bladestorms or the Steel Souls again. Give me some classic Stormcast action and plot relevance, with the newer, stronger storytelling style!

0 17

AOS confession: I miss the era of Stormcast going out into the world and fighting back Chaos. I wish we got more focus on proper Stormcast characters again. They dropped off the map after the RGW. Even the 2nd ed characters have been left twiddling their thumbs. Ven Brecht tho 👌

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Finally got our profile pics done for by . Absolutely incredible artist. Very professional (and busy) absolutely worth the wait to get booked in.

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Just finished the conversion of the next Shovel Knight Stormcast, go check how I sculpted the Fur here:

I'm extremely excited to paint him!

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More obviously white scars successor scheme. I'd be using the redeemer transfer icons from stormcast eternals as the chapter badge on this one. Still unsure, will keep playing around with the scheme!

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Very excited about many Stormcasts projects...

1) Smaug would make an epic Stardrake (there isn’t a big difference between their base size, think I could make it work)

2) Teclis’ beast could make for a very cool Tauralon (need a head swap though)

3) yup, buying those LRL dice!

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A Heavily Customised Stormcast

Based on a conversion

Thank you for your patronage,

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If anyone else wants to use my pixel stormcast for color-scheme planning, here is a basic sheet of the models I did recolored to the Hammers of Sigmar heraldry (to make it easier to cross-reference with the official model photos in case any of it hard to parse).

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Nagash isn’t evil the death battletomes are just written from a Stormcast POV

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Quick one of Luperca Dawnstalker, Lord Aquilor , leading the Dawnstalker's vanguard chamber of the Hallowed Knights.

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Very happy to show you this commission from on his ferocious looking models.

Thanks for letting me play with your toys!

Hope you all enjoy because I’m excited for more.

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I done a stormcast for my boyfriend’s game of Age of Sigmar. His name is Nameless and he’s the worst.

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My Cities of Sigmar from Vasaria in the Eightpoints which is technically a sub-realm. The city itself is run down, hence why the ruinous powers simply enjoy watching it tear itself apart with religious fervour—but w/ the arrival of a stormcast, that is beginning to change

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Algunos de los Stormcast que he pintado recientemente, queda mal que yo lo diga pero está quedando un ejército muy majete. 😊

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This piece is Lord-Aquilor Luperca Dawnstalker, a member of the Hallowed Knights and one who is almost too familiar with the ways of the bloodwind spoil. Very excited about the warhammer preview right now!!!

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Hobbying Sunday with my stepkids. Ruaridh (12) working on his Eternal from the starter painting kit and Romy (8) working on the gryph hound from the kit.

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