Recent art trades w/ , wubsy_bubz, nya_the_artist15 and chapus2009 all on insta!

7 19

First time I will ever acknowledge that death doesn't mean a whole lot when your best friend is a reality warper
Also prolly only time I'll have Cinny herself acknowledge that fact either

1 5

Some of my favorite troll bois by

I just can't get enough of them. They're great

4 11

I know I never mention it but I was surprised by the amount of people who were surprised that Cinny is mexican
I thought her being some type of hispanic was obvious considering what both Black and White people look like in this setting

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Cinny and Daniella spend time with their Mother during October

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Cinny goes golfing
Cinny vomits from too much chocolate
Lemmy is a smart mouth

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