Jester God, Harlequin Gods, and the mysterious little Sinby

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BC and Robbie the Robot maid make an appearance after some time

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Cinny mourns the end of Halloween and then takes a walk back home

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Cinny creates a Pumpkin Monster and did the eventual onto Lemmy

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Getting back into the groove of full on Little Nemo inspired strips again

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does her usual thing to Lemmy and makes a rainbow for fun

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First time I will ever acknowledge that death doesn't mean a whole lot when your best friend is a reality warper
Also prolly only time I'll have Cinny herself acknowledge that fact either

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I know I never mention it but I was surprised by the amount of people who were surprised that Cinny is mexican
I thought her being some type of hispanic was obvious considering what both Black and White people look like in this setting

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Cinny and Daniella spend time with their Mother during October

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