To help save and protect the amazonia rain forest and also the earth, If you DM me a screenshot or proof of a $10+ donation to a charity/org listed in the link below, I'm going to do a limited color bust sketch like this for you!

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Its time for a Lunch break but when I get back we'll continue to

What's YOUR favorite creature? Mamal, bird, bug, ect! Reply with pics and I'll do my best to get them all sketched today!

Lets bring awareness to the with our art!

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Thank you friend of the stream Hermamoralovecraft for the Jaguar suggestion for our Sketch the Amazon Stream!

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Next on the list is the Red Eyed Tree Frog!
Do YOU have a favorite Amazon Forest Creature?
While I'm live I'm going to sketch as many as I can!

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Thank you darth potus for requesting the adorable Bearded Emperor Tamarin for the Sketch the Amazon Stream!

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Thank you for requesting Manatees for out Sketch The Amazon Stream!!
I love these gentle friends. I enjoyed doodling them!

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I didn't have right to command everyone to take action but I just wanna ask to pray little harder Earth is Amazing Guyss.

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I guess it's time for another We Are The World music video to raise funds. I will stream it the whole day everyday just to help get the amount needed for rehabilitation if this happens. It's the least I can do to help with funds. I hope this happens.

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I made this after seeing the news about the and in my own small way wanted to raise awareness to those who have yet to hear what has been happening! For those who can I listed some good places to do so!

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... Chicos, creo que no hace falta decir de que va esto...

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Hoy lloro por todas esas vidas perdidas, por sus gritos que no pueden ser socorridos.


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Realmente da pena ver como por una iglesia se alarmó todo el mundo pero por una parte de los pulmones de la tierra 🌏 no muestran conciencia 🌍

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Sad reality ! my heart is really broken 💔💔 😪🥺🙏🏻

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All I got are these old drawings of already extinct (or near extinction) macaws. Please. Make it stop; donate if you can. Im terrified.

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Não defender a Amazônia é um suicídio coletivo. Somos apenas mais um fósforo na caixa do sistema, apenas esperando a nossa vez de sermos queimados. Não podemos deixar essa situação se alastrar e simplesmente não falar nada.

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