We're deeply saddened and hurt by the situation in Brazil.

We want to present to you Gisele Garrincha, our Amazon.
Our Amazon is going to be an assassin in the game.

Art was made by Katarzyna Sobczyńska-Agee

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Mẹ thiên nhiên đang đau đớn gào thét kêu gọi sự giúp đỡ của chúng ta. Bảo vệ Trái Đất là bảo vệ chính cuộc sống của bạn !
Tweet hashtag :

RT để hashtag được lan rộng !

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I have no words for what’s happening right now. I can’t stop thinking about it and I am feeling so helpless... This is... Awfull.

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ไฟไหม้ป่าแอมะซอน กินพื้นที่ไปแล้ว 3 พันตารางกิโลเมตร = 2 เท่าของกรุงเทพฯ

ป่าแอมะซอนมีพื้นที่ 5.5 ล้านตารางกิโลเมตร ใหญ่กว่าประเทศไทยเกือบ 11 เท่า

แต่ก็ถูกรุกรานถาง เผาป่าหนักหน่วงเช่นกัน

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I didn't have right to command everyone to take action but I just wanna ask to pray little harder Earth is Amazing Guyss.

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I made this after seeing the news about the and in my own small way wanted to raise awareness to those who have yet to hear what has been happening! For those who can I listed some good places to do so!

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... Chicos, creo que no hace falta decir de que va esto...

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Hoy lloro por todas esas vidas perdidas, por sus gritos que no pueden ser socorridos.


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Realmente da pena ver como por una iglesia se alarmó todo el mundo pero por una parte de los pulmones de la tierra 🌏 no muestran conciencia 🌍

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Sad reality ! my heart is really broken 💔💔 😪🥺🙏🏻

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All I got are these old drawings of already extinct (or near extinction) macaws. Please. Make it stop; donate if you can. Im terrified.


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