Genshin Impact - Thoma & Ayaka

i care a little bit too much about them

23 66

Ayaka accidently drank wine and now she's drunk!!
Onii-chan isn't happy about this.

30 114


96 246


126 309

💫Rts appreciated💫
Thomayaka charm design that will be available on my next shop update (beginning of 2022)

27 110

нарисовала значочки

46 354

Which one do you like? Thoma in shirt or Thoma makes you suck- EHEM excuse my word

Thoma fanart from Genshin Impact

0 1

Thomayaka highschool au ceritanya hehehe

0 11

Sorry guys this isnt very homo of me but i love this ship quite a lot ‼️‼️ Platonic or romantic JUST THEM.

90 318