そういえば↑の手を見て占う際の呪文にtla toconittacan tonahualtezcauh(我らのナワルの鏡を見よう)とあって、ナワルの鏡とは占われる人の前腕だと考えられてるけど、テスカトリポカが人の腕を持ってることがあるのはそれが何らかの魔術に関するものだからだろうか?(件の呪文には彼は登場しないが)

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A Sokka y Bolin les gusta esto. 👍👍👍
Los creadores de '#AvatarTheLastAirbender' informan sobre los planes "ambiciosos" de Avatar Studios.
Su primer proyecto sería un largometraje de animación y los proyectos futuros llegarán a Paramount + y Nickelodeon.

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While the anime style definitely gives me a lot of childhood nostalgia, I just personally feel like the style of unleashed humans match the modern sonic characters really well 😂
The artists who designed them are the also the same people who drew the A:TLA epilogue comics! :)

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Pre-Orders are open for the Avatar:TLA Elements Zine from May 9th- June 5th! If we pass 300+ physical copies sold, all physical copies will come with a 🥬 Cabbage Man 🥬 Magnet designed by yours truly!

✨Order now: ✨ https://t.co/J4Eo04a0ap

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15. Sab Shimono
Uncle Chan from Jackie Chan Adventures, the Emperor from Samurai Jack, and Gyatso from Avatar: TLA.

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13. James Sie
Jackie Chan from Jackie Chan Adventures, and the Cabbage Merchant from Avatar:TLA.

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the summons' designs are so nice, I wish we had some cool official art for them

I also really like the one for Coatlicue (TLA version)

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Happy Birthday to my favorite bby Shiemi Moriyama 🌸💚
(the design is for my AoEx Avatar: TLA!AU I’ve been working on)


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Doodle comic requested by a dev on the TLA Discord, also based on some inside jokes
Please please they r so stUPID i will die for them 😭😭

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Drew some tiny Starches : ]
It's really fun making TLA characters Microscopic I don't know why
They just become so tiny and i wanna hold them 🤲

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Someone on TLA Discord joked that I should make the cheeses have shorter torsos and shorter legs so they can walk on their hands and I made this godforsaken GIF in Paint lol

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Onion shitposts because I love he
The weed one is an inside joke from the TLA Discord but it's beautiful sdkfhj

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The newest Avatar: TLA graphic novel, Toph Beifong's Metalbending Academy, is out today (tomorrow in comic shops)! Written by me, art by , colour by Adele Matera! Purchasing info here, pls support your local comic shop if possible: https://t.co/nkr8dtzPkm

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I'm soooo not late to the A:TLA and TLoK fandom... here's Akane... she's gay for an Earthbender......

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Today's Black Voice Artist Spotlight: Gary Anthony Sturgis
Bio: https://t.co/oOSmnTc3OU
IMDb: https://t.co/LTOc4CSE3D
Born: Nov. 3, 1966
Notable Roles: Phantom Virus (Scooby-Doo & The Cyber Chase), Gow (Avatar: TLA)

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[a:tla] Agni Kai screencap redraw

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Avatar TLA x Cyberpunk

By Blackjean_art

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re-drew this azula scene from a:tla using a different coloring method and love how it turned out🥺💙

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okay imagine wolfgang and gareth doing the dancing dragon from a:tla together 😭😭

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