On this we want to share some joy and kindness. Has someone done something kind for you recently or have you heard a story that made you smile? Share with us using

44 463


opossum belongs to me, other characters belong to (orange fox) (bear) and @/gurekitsu (grey fox) on instagram!!

1 7

Dia 41, ObscureKindness

3 13

Even if it sounds like I'm just repeating what others have already said, what else can I do than just join in...
SAO has changed my world.

5 23

.hack// Kite and .hack// G.U. Azure Kite and Haseo. One of my favorite video game series!
I still think .hack// > SAO XD

Prints ,keychains, stickers available in our shop
International: https://t.co/6xG7BhtlM4
Local PH: https://t.co/mScchjQ9d6

8 27

A pesar de lo absurdo de algunas situaciones.
De lo complicado, lo incómodo.
Incluso cuando todo parece un despropósito.
O simplemente, no entiendes nada.
A veces la única estrategia sensata... es sonreír. Y seguir p´alante.

36 89

Two sheets of pure choya love for my good friend Peureki's new open-world farming website! Check it out here: https://t.co/XuQ3rJRq8v <3

0 4

Dos libros más en descarga libre... El discurso del terrorismo de
y el diálogo entre Srecko y :

19 28

Maite zaitudalako!
Faltan zaitudalako!
Nire bihotzean zaudelako!
Besarkada bat emateko irrikitan nagoelako.
Eeegunon mundo!!

8 24

Sister sent this to me and my brother this morning. D:

3 27