HAPPY BORTHDAY!!!!!! Love you lots Vec!!! You’re such an amazing and kind person, and an amazing artist to boot!! You’re one of my top inspirations, and I hope you and yours have a wonderful day! 💖💖💖💖

0 1

Stock2Vec: A Hybrid Deep Learning Framework for Stock Market Prediction with Representati... https://t.co/DVgC4FZjax

14 63

I'm Vec, I draw.

An update to my pinned tweet.
Since all Shipfu related stuff are being moved to the alt , my main is now dedicated to waifu and guns.🤠👍
For my own tacticute OCs and lore, use the tag

Thanks for visiting my profile, cheers!🍻

358 1603

remade the bat boy using this, it's pretty fun please show vec some love uwu https://t.co/TfyqNTtRJn

6 31

Can finally post the Vec I drew for Please go check out everyone else's work!!

3 7

float i,g,e,s,l;vec3 p,q;for(i=0.;++i<50.;){vec3 p=g*normalize(vec3((FC.xy-.5*r)/r.y,1))+vec3(1,3,t*1.);q=p;s=1.;for(int j=0;j++<4;)p=mod(p-1.,2.)-1.,l=2./dot(p,p),p*=l,s*=l;g+=e=length(p.xy)/s;if(e<.003)break;}o.xyz+=cos(q*.3)*9./i;

90 306

hi im vec. i like to make designs and other furry art. im trans and gay and i want to adopt a pigeon someday soon. not open for comms right now but hoping to revamp my info in the near future. thank you for looking 💛

2 22

void main(){vec3 s,l;for(int i=0;i<21;++i){s.yx*=R(t/4.);s=cos(s)-.2,s.yx*=R(1.);l+=b(s.zy);s+=vec3((gl_FragCoord.xy*2.-r)/r.y,-1)*l;}o.xyz+=.1/exp(s.z)*.1/cos(s/l)/l;}

4 12

New art from the awesome and talented !

First, my bud decided they need to smush my cheeks.

Second, looks like Vec is giving me one hell of a hug. Poor Aves is freaking out, knowing Vec sometimes hugs too hard!

4 9

void main(){vec2 s=(gl_FragCoord.xy*2.-r)/min(r.x,r.y);vec2 x=s+vec2(-.5, .0),z=vec2(.0,.0);float y=.5;for(int i=0;i<4;i++){s=sin(z)-.2;s*=H(t);s*=fract(s)-.9;z =vec2(z.x+z.y)+x;}gl_FragColor=vec4(ceil(length(max(abs(s)-.5,.0))));}

1 8

Day 1: Music

Vector can play piano, and I think that Espio would have a very nice singing voice. He's shy about it. But Vec would be able to coax him to and make him feel comfortable, and Vec would pull down his headphones so he could hear it perfectly. 🥺🥺

166 663

Got this from Erica ()

LR300 Enthusiast/Elf Connoisseur- Sate
PS Free HK

Kuriphile, Star Wars Shipgirl Grand Moff- Vec

Military Artist with absurd levels of detail- jpc

Please introduce yourself with this tag!

59 365

g gl_FragCoord.xy/r
void main(){float l,m,s,k;vec3 p,q;p.xz-=t;for(int i=0;i<99;i++){m=l;s=1.;q=p+s;for(int j=0;j<6;j++){q=fract(q*.5+.5)*2.-1.;k=1.6/sqrt(dot(q,q));q*=k;s*=k;}l=abs(q.y)/s;p+=(vec3((g-.5),1))*l;if(i>96)p-=.1;}o=vec4((vec3(g,.6))*l*12.,1);}

2 6

size(720,720,P2D);f=open("a","w");f.write("#define f(a)cos(a.zyy+sin(a*a.zxy))\nvoid main(){gl_FragColor=vec4(f(f(f((7.2-gl_FragCoord.yxy/50+vec3(4,0,4))))),1);}");f.close();filter(loadShader("a"))

3 17

void main(){vec2 p=mod(gl_FragCoord.xy*8./min(r.y,r.x),1.)-.5;gl_FragColor=vec4(sin((atan(p.x,p.y)+t)*vec3(1,2,4)),1);}

1 9

void main(){vec2 p=(gl_FragCoord.xy*2.-r)/min(r.y,r.x);
for(int i=0;i<4;i++){p=abs(p)-abs(dot(p.x,p.y)*.6);p*=R(t);}

2 16

precision lowp float;uniform float time;void main(){for(float i=0.;i<9.;++i){vec2 z=cos(normalize(vec3(gl_FragCoord.xy/512.-.5,.1)).xy*i+time);for(int j=0;j<9;++j){z=vec2(z.x*z.x-z.y*z.y,z.x*z.y*2.)+sin(time+i);if(dot(z,z)<9.)gl_FragColor+=vec4(8.,9.,7.,0)/3e2;}}}

17 55