
12 116

A few more doodles and some info about Raph's and Agatha's (Mrs Cuddles) dynamic- also an excuse to make myself quit chickening out of drawing Raph more kjsdhfd

0 10

Some stuff about Mona's siblings now that we've found a bit more plot relevance for them, especially Paolo lmfao

0 11


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||> I just wanna cause a little Entropy

5 18

It's Heartbreaker! Or just "Breaker", for short.

He's a fusion of Sonny and Heartbreak, and unfortunately got the worst personality traits of both. Prideful and arrogant beyond belief, he thinks everything and every*one* is his for the taking.

7 36

File under: Art other people started and I finished. Been ages since I've done any sort of art collaboration...

8 35

there's a good reason why Mona keeps away from family

character design credit goes to my dear close friend <3 (dm me if you want her tumblr, she's not v active on twitter)

0 11

||> Something holy inside you wants to get out but you can’t let it

3 13

Speaking of Sonny, here's some more art of him. Love this fabulous, spoiled little memelord <3

5 39

Couple of outfit tests, middle one being her standard

Once the curse is lifted she refuses to wear ANYTHING colorful or cutesy for a good while out of sheer spite. Generally sticks to darker clothes after as well.

1 19

"I wouldn't risk any more than six minutes."

7 27

Doodled on phone bc I'm hyperfixated enough that waiting to get home from work first was not an option I was willing to entertain

1 15

Last old ref sheet for a while, I promise. Here's a duo I don't talk about much anymore for a myriad of reasons: Framed Steven and Star, from my Frame of Mind AU. I really like these two. Might come back to them some day.

2 13

This is one of the few comics I made for WTL I can post completely removed from it and have it still make sense so

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