Some hypothetical scenario where Mona gets to meet her past/future self.

More context below⬇️

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Tried to draw Mona in a style that's closer to Rise's and ngl it feels wrong to draw her without nostrils :'D

2 18

Have I mentioned yet that Mona's family has some roots in italy?

She herself is not natively from there, but her family heritage still reflects in some of her food peeves and mannerisms here and there

0 9

A few more doodles and some info about Raph's and Agatha's (Mrs Cuddles) dynamic- also an excuse to make myself quit chickening out of drawing Raph more kjsdhfd

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Some stuff about Mona's siblings now that we've found a bit more plot relevance for them, especially Paolo lmfao

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there's a good reason why Mona keeps away from family

character design credit goes to my dear close friend <3 (dm me if you want her tumblr, she's not v active on twitter)

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Couple of outfit tests, middle one being her standard

Once the curse is lifted she refuses to wear ANYTHING colorful or cutesy for a good while out of sheer spite. Generally sticks to darker clothes after as well.

1 19

Doodled on phone bc I'm hyperfixated enough that waiting to get home from work first was not an option I was willing to entertain

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