Wasn't happy with how my avatar turned out. Decided to remake it. New (left) Old (right). Stay tuned for my first comic coming soon!

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My Webtoon, The Mushroom Girl finally releases this Saturday! 😍🍄
It's a romance/fantasy/drama webcomic, and you'll be able to read it on Webtoon Canvas in just 3 days! 🙌

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Mi Webtoon, La Chica Hongo, se estrena este sábado por fin!😍🍄
Es un un cómic de romance, fantasía y drama, en solo 3 días podrán leerlo en Webtoon Canvas!🙌

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Hey all, sneak peeks on up coming comics this week! See on Webtoons, tappa's or Instagram for more. 😊

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