and finally the last space marine from the shadowspear set primaris lieutenant in phobos armour, i was painting this alongside the suppressors thats how i managed to get done quick

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Finished me a chaos master of possession. What a characterful model!

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And my third finished mini from my tests. Not sure if I'll post the Imperial Fist because he's pretty rough.
done with Contrasts over Wraithbone spray, and a bit of traditional stuff too.

4 18 - finally got photos taken and ready of Allandir from cracking mini to paint! Mor photos over on the Insta want to see more then pop on over to Twitch for the live streams!

4 24

Project golden demon is slowly turning to project everchosen since there is still no announcement of a warhammer fest in europe this year.
Motivation is in free fall.
As a side note, the Arc revenant will probably be my project for this

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After the success of yesterday's post, there are a lot of new people interacting with each other which is ace!🤩

I think more work should be shared and would love if those who don't normally post their work on here, give it a go, even just for today.

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My painting list, in no particular order (or deadline) above & beyond the weekly my son wants me to paint his lovely Glacier King 😁

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Two of the little guys done in half an hour. Lots of fun and a relief to do compared to the salty sealubber that took me a week!

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Calling this sealubber done for now, got sorta stuck and had to force myself to finish him. On to the smaller gellerpox!

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