I have to thank to the and for making me love these couples, that i never thought it would be canon, but I became a fan of those thanks to those series. Artemis

7 24

Wonderbat is abysmal. Wtf is this.

0 1

Happy This is my favourite scene and share a kiss 💋. I really want to see them as a couple.

11 43

supported after the death, she healed him, they prepared for a date and she helped him with a spell that turned him into a monster. And never makes them canon.

11 30

if anyone knows who to credit this with, please let me know. ❤️

4 19

She kissed him in the cheek, He couldn't resist to her and kissed her, They had a deep talk about Damian and Ra's, And, they always smile when they are together. And still doesn't make them canon.

10 44

and shared a kiss when they thought they would die, He was worried for her in WW125, he conforts he after a death, and she supports him in the last knight on earth, and never makes them canon.

10 42

We had JLA Adam West with Carter, The Brave and the Bold and the Blackest night kiss, and still doesn't wanna do it canon.

8 27

I want in your open hands to find my way
And that you feel like a woman only with me
Today I want you
I want to quench the thirst of my soul on your lips
And discover love together every morning
Today I want you

6 20

The kiss - Wonderbat (Diana & Bruce)

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