And last picture I did for OC October! Featuring my two very lesbian gals, Belyrd and Dayna, who work for the Dharka Savada, Belyrd as a trained and Dayna in administration!

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Dhaunithra Arken'rret! This is the Arken'rret matron, and I wanted to go against the general idea of bikin'i wearking matrons and instead made her rather imposing. She's somewhat disfigured by sickness, reason on why she wears a mask!

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Velanzus Arken'rret! Son to Ilztvyll Arken'rret, but raised by Ailanthus. Don't let his appareances lie to you, this one is an absolute sweetheart. He likes baking.

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And the Derahel dad, Solven! He's a bit of a piece of shit and Aosh and him don't get very along, but he's got the right spirit.

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Dalshen Derahel! Old brother to Aosh, and suffering of crystal corruption, which is a magic disease that will slowly turn his body to crystal.

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You've seen this boy plenty in here I think, and that's because he's one of my main characters! His name is Aosh Derahel, and he's a cult fugitive and bloodmancer. Softer than he looks. Dates a robot!

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Siegmund Erant! He's some sort of researcher within the field of crystal based constructs, and one of the most influential figures within Aar'Voss. Except he doesn't like much where the guild is headed to!

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My drowbot Nyloth! Because drow androids are a blessing. He's gonna be getting a new design soonish!!

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Y'all like self indulgent oc art?
Her name is Aranea and she's just doing her best

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Have I ever mentioned how much I love my Dark elf rogue Kali

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And for today, here's Rhylaonar Arken'rret, a rather dumb paladin who doesn't fit too much the norm! At least he's now calling his god "Pal" instead of "piece of fuck", it's an improvement

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An extremly adorable Rylde, who belongs to !! Someone asked about him needing a scarf in tumblr >:3

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This is Orelyn, a dark elf archaeologist, searching for ancient civilizations in the caves and deep places of her world. She's a very shy introvert that specializes in abjuration magic.

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This is probaby one of the characters you've seen the most from me. It's my main boy, Ailanthus! An ex-military outcast, now seeking his place in life and trying to move on from his past.

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And going now for some of my main characters, Vor'kalth or Veth'shal! Although he got changed to a tiefling in his more modern version, his original was a half drow. One who got in trouble very often!

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Yu'Yden, a Watcher! Watcher are undead people who went through crystal corruption and survived it. Most of them were drow or elves, since most other races can't survive the process.

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Darkelf_king ( David) and Sen_Sei69 (Sen) being themself ( yes they are wearing couple outfits...cauz' they can.)

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And for today here's Sygdom. the character I'm named after! A spooky angry undead drow dude, a bit complex to explain!

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Didn't get to upload anything yesterday, so here's this one early on! He's Kandris Lendrov, my first proper drow character. He was a sort of scholar who was being manipulated by Watchers, undead beings from the past!

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