# inremembranceof actress lorenagale sg1 museum curator curse stargatesg1 gueststar rip inmemoryof dateofbirth birthday annalouiseplowman sarahgardner osiris goauld alplowman annalouisestephens podcast chevronslocked review s01e06 thefirstcommandment sg stargatepodcast anniversary mikeweinstein dialogeditor soundeffects editor rerecordingmixer stargateorigins series origins sgo michaelweinstein michaelwilliamweinstein michaelwweinstein jubilee elliegall catherinelangford catherine langford star elligall actor domdeluise urgo togar dominickdeluise dateofdeath domoniquedanielle sga atlantis stargateatlantis domoniquedanielledomingo domoniquedomingo roncanada quartus tommcbeath harrymaybourne king arkhani maybourne johndiehl charleskawalsky originalmovie film movie originalfilm kawalsky johnhenrydiehl johnhdiehl stargatecommand gateworld mondaymotivation mondaywisdom mythology aliens ufos extraterrestrials pyramids sirius orion anime animation starseed scifi sciencefiction comicbooks comics conceptart joelgoldsmith composer pokerplayer vegas sgu stargateuniverse extra darrenhird rand victim extraactor voice richardepcar georgeshammond unleashed game stargatesg1unleashed voiceactor richardmepcar georgehammond producer writer michaelgreenburg cameo episode wormholextreme mikegreenburg johnbearcurtis primitive childrenofthegods johncurtis bear jameshead director s01e14 sanctuary jimhead jashead liamranger nevin p3x289 christophergilman costumer props propmaster christophersgilman chrisgilman cgilman

Portals or Stargates are the main means of crossing vast cosmic distances... one day we will learn all about them.

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