Yoga-Wan and the Monkey God Pose・ヨガわんと猿神のポーズ
"Reach for the stars!"

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Yoga-Wan and the Seated Crescent Pose・ヨガわんと椅子で三日月のポーズ
"You can do this while you're at work!"

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Yoga-Wan and the Sphinx Pose・ヨガわんとスフィンクスのポーズ
"Do I look like a sphinx?"


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Yoga-Wan and Taking a Walk・ヨガわんと散歩
"Remember to go outside once in a while."

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Yoga-Wan and the Reverse Tabletop Pose・ヨガわんとテーブルトップのポーズ
"Breath 10-15 times!"

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I’m a couple days behind, but here’s for Day 6 of Personal Familiar. It’s the same picture I used for Alex’s profile on the fake Instagram post.

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Yoga-Wan and the Upward Salute Pose・ヨガわんと仰向けの両手を強く上に上げるポーズ
"Reach up to the sky..."

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Yoga-Wan and the Downward Dog Pose・ヨガわんと下を向いた犬のポーズ
"Finally a dog pose!!"

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Yoga-Wan and the Dolphin Pose・ヨガわんとイルカのポーズ
"This stretches out the shoulders."

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Yoga-Wan and the Eight Angle Pose・ヨガわんと八曲がりのポーズ

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Yoga-Wan and the Pose Dedicated to the Sage Marichi I・ヨガわんと賢者マリーチのポーズI
"Be careful when you're reaching back."

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