.. decentralized, democratic, locally adapted, ecologically responsible, and reasonably self-sufficient

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The Compassion Project, cover for International Journal of Gynecological Cancer. (Ayala Tal) https://t.co/VzVdDXdz62

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Ecologische waterkwaliteit is bijna overal matig tot slecht https://t.co/AMq1BNaV5r

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Today's Wheast! is about ecological conservation! https://t.co/kDQDcQxe7H

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Best-ever map of seafloor geology shows startling ecological diversity deep beneath the waves. http://t.co/McljmYjWtx

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Holandeses fuerzan al Estado a descontaminar y crean nueva arma ambientalista

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Isaac Cordal e il suo modo di vedere la politica ecologica mondiale

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First skin design for the german community's spring contest of , an ecological easter Blitzcrank \o/

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Ilustraciones para ¨El viejo (antiecologista) y el mar¨

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Ilustraciones para ¨El viejo (antiecologista) y el mar¨

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