A healthy community is sustainable; it is, within reasonable limits, self-sufficient and, within reasonable limits, self-determined – that is, free of tyranny.

Wendell Berry's Sex, Economy, Freedom & Community

Last posted this June 23, 2012

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"It is altogether conceivable that we may go right along with this business of “business” until our land, our world, and ourselves are utterly destroyed."

For 4 years I tweeted daily on from Wendell Berry.

reminded me how very important he is.

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We must take proper care of our children. We must quit treating them as commodities for..

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We must reduce indebtedness, poverty, homelessness, violence. We must ..

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.. decentralized, democratic, locally adapted, ecologically responsible, and reasonably self-sufficient

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We must recognize that the standards of the industrial economy lead inevitably ..

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In the face of conflict, the peaceable person may find several solutions, the violent person only one.

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In times of war, our leaders always speak of their prayers. Wendell Berry

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