We travelled for so long to find my home. For years you travelled with me this way.

Now, looking from up here, the way is and I am scared.

We are so close. Please help me make it to my home, then say the words I've longed to hear: you know the answer.

0 10

Beneath my vocal cords, fingers knead the tongues of your kisses with the smell of winter.
Souls dismembered by pasts that do not intersect.
Time sellers, creators of a love as elusive as my adiós.

54 224

Your smile stuck in my mind,
I move from cities to countries,
Trying to forget,
Trying to forgive,
were the words,
That they didn’t even utter,
Lethal were those eyes,
That searched mine,
Didn’t I raise my hands,
To the sky?
But still they remain empty..

21 121

In my dreams we're ravens
You and I
Black wings carry us away
Your darkness is stronger than mine
You soar into the sky
And urge me to follow
Oh how I want to Brother
'Cause you'll always be my guiding light
But keeps pulling me down

8 28

They knew ahead of us~
They knew
That distance
Was never tied or marked,
That’s why our ghosts danced
In the stars..
Now wrapped in magic winds,
Under the cold moon light,
We shift our shadows
Out of sand scars,
And blushed,

To loves heart..

23 68

She's lived by the sea all her life, & watched the coastline little by little. An empty beach gave way to vacationers, eateries came in, a casino was built. She couldn't do much but her house does find place for seashells & starfish that can't find their way back.

0 13

To stop that, that hurt’s us
Is fundamental is it not?
Yet defy’s this
&affects each&everyone

All unique-yet similar

There is no one answer
2 ways
Oh it was that simple!
But to ask

What is the true issue?

Perhaps that may start
The road 2

2 27

What’s Meant For You Is Yours ©

Only sunlight & raindrops create rainbows, a love that is requited—but at when a makes a fuss—#unrequited rainbows were never created to chase only to admire. ✍🏽

0 8

A thorn
Stabbing through us
Poison that still lingers
tension obscuring love
Heart break.

2 11

Joyeux anniversaire à moi🎈©️

Today is the first day that I fell in love with “Myself.” An old soul am I. I mix & with exciting beings that pique my interests and stimulate my spirit while wintry winds fade & deep within.✍️🏽#bravewrite

0 9

Behind the curtain, the stirred. Around them, the mist thickened until it was impossible to see anything. Two red glowing eyes shone like beacons and then a deep baritone voice called out their names

“Lissa, Connel, come forward.”

2 30

The was categorical
the future is historical
and told with oratorical
her words are metaphorical
her symbols allegorical
but he will gain meteorical

2 14

did visit
Couldn't keep hands to herself
Warned her, others are watching
Including an elf on the shelf
Said she'd felt my
I demanded she left them alone
Elf made innuendo
Told him to sod off home
Future prediction
Forceful elf eviction

8 33

of fate
plunged deep in my heart
all dreams
tearing my soul apart;

I bled alone
on a dark path
gathering myself
tending wounded parts;

today as I recall
these memories of past
I find my skin is healed
but how long will this pain last?

18 74

Real Talk ©️

He lights my flame with
a spark of delight while
memories flicker
of no but a tender
heart outright—as love ignites
during talk, and passions
hang like vines on a stalk.✍🏽#vss365

4 18

When she fell pregnant he told her depression was Said the baby could end up just like her.

He insisted on tests for every “imperfection” under the sun.

Only if the baby returned pristine results would it be of his love.

Suddenly, it all made sense.#vss365

6 55

I cut myself a sharp slice of reality
Stare at the on my phone
A the one I've been waiting for
After hopeless months in this of despair
I pop some to take away the pain
Tomorrow I'm getting a new heart

6 44

in my heart
are her photographs
painted with my feelings
exhilarating & healing;
I unveil these sometimes
recalling times
when life was a dream
loving her, the only theme;
scripted with of longings
they’re my only belongings.

24 101