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barbecue boomer dad I’m just your average american who loves grilling and football also we must stop the george soros funded neoliberal color revolutions

0 4

We hit NUMBER 4 in trending comics on Backer Kit, which ranks based on average daily & total growth, backer number, & funds raised. Very humbled & grateful to our readership & friends, too many to mention here. Thank you!🇺🇸👩🏻‍🦰⚡️👩🏼



44 192

Aside from fire danger, heat (likely record breaking) will be a concern w/ Monday probably tracking the hottest in the 5 day span from Sunday-Thursday, expected highs > 15 to 20+ degrees above average inland. Sun/Mon/Tue highs also shown.

62 84

is it still appropriate to have AUs at my age? well anyway here is my mm AU. I imagine real attempts at making self-aware people robos would lead to uncanny valley behavior and strange beings (instead of flipping a switch and an average person comes out)

90 337

Here’s a visual for example. The Miku is my normal go to for average people. The Vesta is a character who is heavier. Yet people will tell me drawings like the Miku look fat???? Is it just bc she isn’t literally a stick?????

0 1

Twin star exorcists Calling it an adaptation is a big stretch. They just took the characters from the original manga and made up their own cliche average shounen story. If done properly it could've been easily one of the top shounens out there. Just look at the art work of manga https://t.co/mVCT5PaFOT

6 18

Back to my regular, average art skill content. Narangerel after taking an involuntary bath in a dirt puddle and Tekla.

5 12

Striped Skunk

Scientific Name: Mephitis mephitis
Diet: Insectivore
Distribution: North America
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 3 years
Romanised Name: Shima sukanku
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Japanese Name: シマスカンク

9 14

Hello!! 👋🏼👋🏼 I am unemployed and tweeting xD and love doing magical girl art (currently wrapping up some Magia record pieces). Because I usually do event posters/prints my turnaround on average is about a day (6-9 hrs depending on detail). I specialize in vector illustrations!

10 28

Sketchpage commission forJustyouraverage Okami on Deviantart

0 1

Name: Gogomoa (ゴゴモア)
Title: Jumping Cardinal Beast (跳緋獣)
Average Length: 1100cm

Class: Fanged Beast

Habitats: Tide Island

15 168

Domestic Pig

Conservation Status: Domesticated
Japanese Name: ブタ
Scientific Name: Sus scrofa domesticus
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 15-20 years
Romanised Name: Buta
Also known as: Pig, Swine, Hog
Distribution: Widespread
Diet: Omnivore

5 9

< Just an Average girl with a HorseCock >

💙~5’7 Ft~ 💙

💙~31 inches~💙

💙 ~Hole-destroying Girth~ 💙

💙~Cheerful and Lewd~💙

💙~Gallons of thick Cum~💙

💙~90% Dom 10% Sub~💙

💙~semi-lit to literate~💙

“Retweet for this huge cock cutie~<3”

226 424

56% of our reported deaths each day are from 3 to 20 weeks ago. This includes the low-day reports on the weekend. So weekdays are even worse.

Average lag from case to death report grew from 19 days back in Apr - Jun, to 45 days now.

Not even business as usual.

758 1517

Southern Brown Kiwi

Also known as: North Island Brown Kiwi (incorrectly)
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 20-35 years
Distribution: New Zealand
Scientific Name: Apteryx australis
Conservation Status: Vulnerable
Romanised Name: Buraun kīui
Japanese Name: ブラウンキーウィ

13 12

thank you!! been having trouble with getting my stuff out there.
Hi im Anthony and I'm just your average sad college student

8 12

This is about how the average conversation between Arylas and Kaitlynn goes.

1 1

I'm average bg character LOL

0 3