# articolo pinocchio dipinto disney waltdisney scrivoarte disneylandparis disneyland 6ottobre sabato leggere bcomesabato cinema cultura universo grilloparlante film movie art carlocollodi bugie tv hercules herculesdisney disneyhercules disneystudios disneyworld fanart cartoons movies nostalgic memories cinderella music beautiful orlando florida waltdisneyworld cutiesaturday oc mickeymouse mouse ramen cartoon anime japanese artwork darkwingduck rescuerangers nicolaskeramidas claudiosciarrone francescobarbieri marvel looneytunes floydgottfredson mickey goofy peglegpete olddrawing favoritevillain flintheartglomgold gripsou scroogemcduck unclescrooge donaldduck andersand akuankka patodonald paperino kalleanka picsou disneyfan disneyart angry carlbarks donrosa everythingdisney disney4ever bambi 21agosto cervo vivalalettura scrivere natura vita life amore lovelife love musica arte animazione bosco bacio elioli wdfmuseum waltdisneyfamilymuseum tangledseries animation tangled sketching waltdisneyco ducktales ducktales2017 duckcomics zombieart zombieportraits zombiedrawings zombieartist robsacchetto sacchettozombieartist zombiepaintings animated reanimated zombie zombies horror horrorfan livingdead illustration brasil sketch doodle drawing moana polynesian procreateapp waltdisneyanimation disneyprincess artistsoninstagram dailysketch dailyart disneyparks microsoftpaint indieartist anniversary comic comics disneycomics comicmaster instacomics donaldist hueydeweylouie comicart skeleton enchantedtikiroom

Have faith in your dreams ...

A dream is a wish your heart makes ...


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Disney, Universal, Sea world, Bush gardens, horror nights an Mickey's not so scary all to come in the next few weeks! Only thing to top that magic would be to bump into an 🤞

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Made a drawing the other day as a homage to Floyd Gottfredson's Mickey Mouse comics. I drew some of my favorite stories of his, including Mickey Mouse Outwits The Phantom Blot. Colors by

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So, it’s kind of a cheesy drawing, but it was made simple for a class we taught for a workshop at the Walt Disney Family Museum today! The class did a really awesome job, and hope to share those with you all soon!

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New art! I drew Scrooge McDuck! I colored Scrooge myself while did the background colors!

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This isn't going to be the replacement for the chibi stuff. I still want to do chibi Disney Parks-Chans.

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Happy 55th anniversary to I did this piece a while back for funsies.

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