Michele monte lui aussi au front : il travaille à une potion magique contre le monstre coronavirus, le + fort de tous les coronavirus. Mais, au cas où il ne trouverait pas à temps la bonne formule, il a prévu d’enrôler le soleil et son épée de feu pour tuer le monstre. 4/6

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«Il mio cuore è vicino a te, anche se il mio corpo è lontano. Se non puoi vederlo non devi far altro che scendere nel tuo cuore e lì troverai il mio».

(St. Bernard of Clairvaux)

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Hiya there y’all, I don’t really have a store but feel free to contact me a rriveraillustration.com! I do fantasy characters for Dnd and wow and stuff ^^

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je sais pas où je vais avec ce dessin mais je trouverai un jour

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His name is Ausverai! He's a pretty nice fellow once you get past his odd demeanor. Here's some art of him from 2019!

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• Le Bureau Africain des Affaires Occultes
• La sous-financée Gendastrerie Française
• Et (enfin !) le très souverain Royaume d'Univers'Île

La liste des Groupes d'Intérêt français s'allonge sous le signe du... nationalisme, on dirait bien : https://t.co/BX6gKPQK2p

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Troverai di più nei boschi che nei libri.
Gli alberi e le pietre ti insegneranno ciò
che non si può imparare dai maestri.
San Bernardo✍
Serena notte carissimo Erminio e tutti.
F Michetti

14 15

The wyrms took to the sky, the Thegnalars were less than happy about the idea of leaving their Master and Commander

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Et oui il fait bien chaud sur ce poste.
j’avais très envie de colorier mon dragon je suis plutôt contente de ma colo c’est plutôt rare j’en profite d’ici 24h je trouverai que des défauts 😅

Pas: je vais l’appeler Peter Parker parce qu’il a un air de spider man 😎🕷🕸

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Troverai di più nei boschi che nei libri
Gli alberi e le pietre ti insegnano ciò
che non si può imparare da maestri.
San Bernardo
carissimo Erminio e tutti
Mario Viani D'Ovrano

18 21

The brambles snatched and tore at her, sinking their biting thorns into her exposed flesh as she pushed her way through.
ilikebigbooks epicfantasy IARTG ebooks

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E' meglio fingersi acrobati che sentirsi dei nani,
spendere tutti i sogni eludendo i guardiani
finché il tuo cuore intatto
e il tuo coraggio non mente
ti ritroverai uomo
dietro un fantasma di niente...

🖊️Renato Zero

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“They see monsters?” Marise queried uncertainly.
“As Odysseus did when facing Scylla and Charybdis.”

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the Epiales sought to conquer their domain, driving the areas of light into the shadows.
ilikebigbooks heroicfantasy # Epiales

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même si je suis pas encore inscrit et p't'être j'arriverais pas à temps avec tout les messages qu' reçoit xD mais au moins j'vous les partage histoire de 😳🌱

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The island was serene, wild and overrun by nature in her rawest glory and filled with the chorus of birds and wildlife.

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The shadows dove and climbed as they circled, occasionally two of them would cross and seemingly meld into one as if in some form of aerial battle or dance

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-Lasciati addosso i vestiti e parliamo fino a stancarci,
provare a decifrarci,a conoscere tutto a memoria,
a scioglierci solo guardandoci, fino a quando questi occhi si stanchino...

-E proverai a tenerli ancora aperti?
-Si, solo per vederti.

Charles Bukowski

André Kohn

41 72

Souliers, pantoufles et autres chaussures (2)
Enfiler ses bottes comme on se loverait dans une coquille de cuir. La douce intimité, la régression dans l'innocent. Marcher peut-être, ou simplement rêver.
(Oeuvre de S. Stahlberg)

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Sir William Fairbairn, the best mill engineer of his time, was Peter’s elder brother. He was commissioned by to design Mill & the first bridge over the replaced in 1869 with a grander thoroughfare. https://t.co/PIxRBD93Ht

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