Blast from the past. My fav pieces of 2018. Thistle&Bluebell 🌸

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STEP OUT!! by RainyBlueBell

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- sea bluebells. Also called oyster leaf because they taste like... oysters. Gross.

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Another new engine for my personal WR line! It’s Stepney the Bluebell Engine! And not as a Limited Edition model but as a permanent addition to the line!

Stepney has always been a bit hit or miss in WR so I hope I did him justice. Hope you enjoy!

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inktober 9: short dress + bluebell

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Inktober Day7 - Deer and Bluebell (I thought I was only one day behind! Apparently not!)

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Forgot to post this yesterday <3
Prompt Day 7 - Bluebell X Fallow Deer

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I was out for the past three days, so I did a catch-up session! Days 4-7 Willow x Skunk, Cherry Blossom x Leopard, Carnation x Domestic Dog, and Bluebell x Fallow Deer! Some slapdash inking and coloring chaos but it was a good time

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Never let it be said I don’t go hard on a shitpost only like 4 people will understand.

Bluebell, love of my life and unlife, is beastlyart‘s on tumblr (dunno if she has a twitter)

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Second in my Floral Ladies series, following Lady Bluebell from yesterday, it is Lady :D

done in using the brush

Sunflowers are such beautiful and vibrant beauties, arent they? :)

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Hi everyone :D I'm starting a series of Floral Ladies. These are done in using the brush~

The first one is Lady

When I was a child, I imagine these ringing as the wind sways them :)

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"His name is Stepney, but everyone calls him the bluebell engine."

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Some detail shots! Including a better pic of Queen Chungus, Hiro and Dhriti chillin', and "Yes I Did Draw Those Bluebells, Hydrangeas, Wild Orchids, Poppies, and Lavender."

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A draw of King that didn't really turn out, but I'm happy with how the flowers look so here we are!

Magnolia for nobility, bluebells for humility and oleander for caution.

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