Time for our regular Gaming Roundup - Release Roundup
While the industry continues to roll out its Not E3 news, looks at the best releases only this week, including Game of the Week, from & ^KB https://t.co/nHJrClvqmd

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Mouse cursor with 19-year-old Ellie and her acoustic guitar from the long-awaited sequel of The Last of Us game.

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Did anyone else keep losing track of where they left Shimmer

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В игру не играл, но я балдею с того, как выглядит татуха Элли, когда она играет на гитаре)

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I couldn’t help but draw my girls Ellie and Dina! was absolutely amazing, though I cried the whole way through 😅

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The Last of Us fanart - Stalker
Loving the second game so far.

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eu nem terminei o jogo mas já estou com saudade, sabe?

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This drawing is from 2 years ago, but I'm feeling even more emotional about it now 😭

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OKAY so, watching 4 different youtubers play the game does stuff to me and asdasdads well the game makes me sad HAHAHHA Bare with me i dont know how to color properly and i hate bgs

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bom dia pessoal, sei que sou chata todos os dias, eu gostaria muito de pedir uma atenção especial pra essa arte que eu fiz.
É uma fanart da Ellie, me empenhei bastante, espero que gostem
Se puder me ajudar com rt ou likezineo é de grande ajuda pro meu trampo

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I had mushrooms on my mind while doing some face doodles

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Yo, - our Volatile wanted to congratulate you on Friday, but he was too busy playing

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sketch of Ellie as a little warm up before work

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