the majestic UGC 2885 may be the largest known in the local universe via

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irregular M82 was stirred up by a recent pass near large galaxy M81 via

23 21

Twitter when i open it when i wake up at bed: Wholesome content.

Twitter when i open it in a public space:

4 45

the beautiful Eagle and Swan home of active star formation processes via

18 30

the Tarantula a large star-forming region, seen in via

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hot gas feeds arms of the point the way to the material that sustains in the Milky Way via

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a delicate structure of & imaged around lenticular NGC 1316 via

8 20

a violent outburst provides new insight into evolution via

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V Sagittae set to explode as very bright by century's end via

10 20

It's the perfect ship to explore the wildest regions of space: the Darter, as seen in our game, and as drawn by our beloved GM !

4 9

homoerotic arts
spandexinspace: Wiccan and Hulkling in Incoming

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the countless stars of the reflecting in a mirror of water. via

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reveals what may be largest ever seen — measures about *816,000 light-years* across, or 8x the size of our Milky Way galaxy, and contains 10x as many stars! via

16 21

is out there, but our theories are probably steering us away from it — how to *recognize* life? via

14 21

The Space: My Brain Thinking About Ideas For Draw

Llama: Me

El Espacio: Mi Cerebro Pensando En Que Dibujar

La Llama: Yo

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