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AiDIN Robotics: has 12 DoF joint actuators which have built in torque sensors It is a fully torque controllable system


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is a service that allows users to share and sell the computing power of their devices using a decentralised cloud system, and algorithms.

Here's how we helped them communicate information: https://t.co/nxKm9DB9zN

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This has a deployable arm that can pick up whatever you may need


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One of the biggest impacts of new technology - and perhaps the most life-changing - will be felt in healthcare.

17 27

Artificial intelligence is more sophisticated every year and is revolutionizing how we operate. Here are 3 industries that have seen the biggest impact. https://t.co/LuzLXJtAdl

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Don't miss 's event tonight on 👉 how reshapes the way we develop high-technology products https://t.co/YeKf2e38Hy

1 1

is a way to quickly label and analyze huge data sets. 📈 People can do this on their own, but a machine helps do it faster and on an infinitely larger scale. 🤖 66% of https://t.co/zyxxrxhpJw


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UX for trust as a challenge | What could a trustful relationship between a business user & the assistant look like in practice? This blog tries to answer this question: https://t.co/QrQOfMKQre

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(#AI) and will become the most
important emerging technologies within the next
10–20 years with the potential to fundamentally alter
the global balance of power. https://t.co/GDUKdbgh0D

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