Lielbritānijas premjerei Mejai līdz pirmdienai jāpiedāvā jauns turpmākās rīcības plāns saistībā ar "Brexit" vienošanos.

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I'm just gonna post this weekly now

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I have realised that my productivity this month is generally due to Tax Return Avoidance! I am whizzing through work and decluttering, Anyone else feeling the same? I'm guessing Theresa May might be doing some deep cleaning this morning to avoid thinking about her day!!

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24th June 1784 - Georgiana Duchess of Devonshire and Charles James Fox star in a re-enactment of Theresa May's negotiations with Jeremy Corbyn in a futuristic drama set in the House of Commons entitled 'The Political Boghouse' or '#Brexit Blues' by Rev Er Endum

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